My Way

You are a ray of love. You carry love within you, it flows into the world through you, it is completely inseparable from your being.
Love is embodied in you so a new face of it be known through you.

My name is Marietta Beregi and I live in Budapest, Hungary with my family. I worked as a teacher for 18 years, then I dedicated my life to my family and parenting. In recent years, I have been translating books and writing messages from Mother Mary, which fills me with great happiness and gratitude.

Mother Mary has always been a part of my life since I grew up in a family of a Greek Catholic priests. Like many Catholics around the world, I have prayed to Her both the traditional prayers, and the rosary and had informal conversations with Her in the silence of my heart, too. I knew that She would listen and answer those prayers, but I never thought that I would ever be able to actually feel Her presence or hear Her voice. Yet it happened by the grace of God.

In the summer of 2020, while I was translating the book Choose Only Love – Echos of Holiness from Sebastián Blaksley, I felt the presence of Mother Mary. Her being was loving and beautiful. Infinite tenderness and love flowed from Her. Her light and warmth filled my heart and completely enveloped my physical reality. Boundless happiness flooded me and I remained in her loving embrace without words, only timeless silence and deep peace.

She delighted and thrilled me a number of times in this way with Her presence, gifting me with Her gentle and loving embrace, until one day I clearly heard Her voice too. Her voice was as loving and tender as Her presence. She said to me:

I brought you a present. Imagine an openable heart locket in the front of which you can hide any image inside. I will give you the most important message you can ever receive. Hide it in this locket and keep it in your heart. I present you with the most beautiful words that you can always carry in your heart: I love you! Whenever you feel like it, open the heart locket and receive this beautiful message again and again. I will embrace you with all the tenderness and love of my heart. These beautiful words fall like tiny seeds on the fertile ground of your heart to blossom one day. I love you!

It was wonderful to be with Mother Mary, so I got up early in the morning, before my family woke up, to be with Her in silence. This togetherness―or intertwining as Mother Mary calls it—is still part of my daily routine. A beautiful relationship and a new path that fills me with happiness.

On August 31, 2020, when Mother Mary reappeared with Her unspeakable kindness, She said, “My dear child, it is time for us to begin working together. Feel the tenderness of my heart that surrounds you.”

That was the beginning point when we started to write the book Motherhood of Love, followed by more books: Dewdrops of Wisdom, Divine Dance, God Scented Love and The Reality of OneHeart. In addition, Mother Mary also offers us everyday spiritual practices, which I share on the Shining Moments page.

I have created this website in the hope that many others might find inspiration, peace and joy in the words of wisdom and love of Mother Mary, so I am happy to share selected messages from these currently unpublished works.

The words of Mother Mary always bring certainty, they are uplifting, fill me with reassurance and happiness. She is an understanding, supportive, and helpful mother who treats me as a child and a friend. Her love is completely free of expectations and conditions, affording me absolute freedom and joy.

The messages always arrive when the time is right. I experience each message on several levels. I feel and experience them in the events of my day to day life, as well as the stirrings within my soul. I feel them transmitted to my heart like a small bundled package that has a distinctive energy. This energy package, which is a combination of feelings, colors, music and thoughts seamlessly transmute into human words within me. The words flow effortlessly through my consciousness as I record them, in the presence of Mother Mary. During this process I sense a very high degree of energy that sometimes pulsates around and inside me. It is a calming, blissful and uplifting feeling, all at the same time. It is as if another dimension of being opened up for me that I bathe in. At first, this beautiful experience lasted only briefly, but as time has gone on it has extended in duration and deepened in intensity.

Mother Mary does not appear in front of my physical eyes, but in front of my spiritual eyes, and while I am writing, I do not see, but feel Her. When I am immersed in Her presence, sharing the happiness which we mean to each other, I see Her through my spiritual eyes. I see Her as a Beautiful Lady and Mother, whose presence gives me the impression of ineffable beauty, spring colors and fragrances. Her face and whole figure shine in a wonderfully splendid light, exuding the most beautiful and faintest colors.

There are times when I am able to sense more of Mary’s being than other times, when I find myself in a place far beyond words. In Heaven, where we are all one heart and one soul, and where God is all in all. On these occassions I mostly do not sense happenings, but the heartbeat of Heaven, as I would call it. I find myself in a pulsating, infinitely light and soft world full of colors and music, the explosive joy of which flows in waves over my soul and body. God flows from everything and God keeps everything in Himself. God is pure love. The happiness in this world of light that is beyond human comprehension is indescribable. It evokes sheer joy and heavenly happiness to dwell in the Heart of God.

I feel the presence and support of Jesus in a similar way to that of Mother Mary. He is present from the beginning with His incomprehensible love. Jesus and Mother Mary exist in a wonderful unity, as One Heart, in the fullness of themselves. The essence of Jesus and the essence of Mother Mary is the same as it is for all of us, since we are all love, yet take on a unique form. The explosively creative energy, power, wisdom, and love of Jesus are constantly flowing, radiating everywhere. Yet tender, embracing love, in whose presence you melt into love.

I also write down the words of Jesus, which convey guidance and tender love, as do the messages of Mother Mary.

My wonderful relationship with Mother Mary takes place in the silence of the heart, embracing the mystery of the incomprehensible that is difficult to put into words.

I know that wherever I am, wherever I go, She will always be with me forever and ever. It gives me reassurance and infinite happiness. She helps, comforts, embraces and gives advice. She loves and loves endlessly. She does not consider me sinful or fallible, but instead treats me with love, as if I were the most beautiful flower in Her garden. There is not a single created soul and being who is not surrounded by Her supreme love and care. When you realize and experience this unconditional, beautiful love, you want to become one with it and melt into this miracle.

I am immensely grateful to our Heavenly Mother, the Blessed Mother Mary, the shining Mother of Love, for embracing me with the loving rays of Her heart. And I sincerely wish from the depths of my own heart, that all of you may experience this miracle, too.